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Blog 7

How can I Brighten my Smile ? Dr.Shail Jaggi Responds

I have yellowish teeth and will be getting married in a couple of weeks. Is there anything I can do to brighten my smile ?

Hi. Its best to get professional help to brighten your smile .You can opt for a chairside tooth whitening procedure that your dentist will do in the clinic . It will give you an immediate whiter and brighter smile within an hour.

My root canal was done a month ago and I was told my pain would settle. However one month later am still experiencing pain and discomfort with the same tooth. Is this normal ?

Its not normal to experience pain with the same tooth 1 month later. Please get the tooth re-evaluated with fresh x rays .There may be a possibility of a re-infection with the tooth or some additional canals that have been missed out.

I had an implant done a few months ago but it failed. Is it safe to get another implant done ? What are my chances of it going right this time ?
Sometimes an implant can fail despite the best possible surgical protocol and techniques .It should not be a problem to replace the implant .However before you do so, please make sure all your blood reports are normal and your bone scan shows healthy bone for a fresh placement. There’s absolutely no reason to worry.

I have gaps between my teeth and am really self conscious when I smile. What are my options ?
Hi . I can imagine your discomfort with this. I think you should see a cosmetic dentist at the earliest and have your smile evaluated. There are a plenty of options to make your smile look fantastic.

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