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Blog 8

Dr Shail Jaggi: All you needed to know about Dental Veneers

The concept of Dental Veneers has changed all of that in a big way. With veneers now you don’t really need to damage natural teeth. Just the superficial top layer of your teeth need to be modified a little and you can have customised wafer thing shells of tooth-coloured materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their colour, shape, size or length.

The best part about having Dental Veneers is you can completely customise your smile by getting a Smile Design done.Your dentist can actually simulate your new smile and show you how it’s going to be looking even before actually touching your teeth. So even before you do the procedure you actually know what youre going to look like!It’s fascinating. Smile designs are customised smiles designed to perfection in proportion to the size of your face, dimensions of your teeth and the structure of your lips. Together as a combination you can have a fantastic smile that is worth a million bucks.

Hollywood has done wonders for us by promoting the one big thing –The Hollywood Smile . Even in my routine dental practice I have so many people come I asking for the perfect smile. Earlier, a perfect smile meant a you could get a perfect smile and beautiful looking teeth but at the expense of all your natural teeth being whittled down and completely damaged .

I had an implant done a few months ago but it failed. Is it safe to get another implant done ? What are my chances of it going right this time ?
Sometimes an implant can fail despite the best possible surgical protocol and techniques .It should not be a problem to replace the implant .However before you do so, please make sure all your blood reports are normal and your bone scan shows healthy bone for a fresh placement. There’s absolutely no reason to worry.

What does the procedure entail?
1) Discussion and Planning: It’s extremely important to schedule a consult with your dentist and spend time discussing the procedure. Also, your dentist needs to evaluate your case and check if it’s ideal for Veneers. Don’t forget to look at Veneers done on other patients so you know exactly what to expect. 2) Appointment for measurements: This involves taking measurements for the Veneers. Be prepared for a long appointment and possible with numbing of the work area so you are completely comfortable and have no discomfort at all. These measurements are then sent to the lab and the lab will make your veneers designed to perfection and send them back 3) Trial of the Veneers: This involves trying out your new veneers. At this stage slight modifications and changes can be made if desired. Once they look perfect they are ready to be bonded 4) Bonding Procedure: This is the final finishing stage of the Veneers. They are bonded onto your natural teeth with a minimal amount of discomfort and you can walk out with a brand new dazzling smile.

When will Veneers work for you?

  • If you have one of these problems, then Veneers are your best solution :
    • Misaligned teeth : Teeth that don’t have proper proportions or are overlapping,uneven or
    • irregular are often a source of embarrassment
    • Chipped or broken teeth
    • Discoloured, damaged or stained teeth
    • Teeth with spaces or gaps between them
    • Worn down teeth due to age

Advantages of Veneers:

    • They look beautiful
    • They need no post-operative care
    • Minimal amount of staining and discolouration
    • The gums tolerate the porcelain really well and there is absolutely no discomfort
    • The shades can be much lighter and brighter than the original natural teeth
    • Completely non invasive option with hardly any tooth damage.

Do Veneers need Special Care?
1) Biting nails or forcing something open with veneered teeth is an absolute no. This can cause the veneers to chip or damage
2) Veneers only partially cover the teeth. Improper oral hygiene can still cause the Veneered teeth to decay. Make sure you take good care of your teeth
3) In case of habits like clenching or grinding Veneers should be avoided since this can cause the veneers to chip or break

How expensive are Veneers:
Ceramic Veneers can end up being expensive since they involve multiple steps, lab costs and high precision materials are used . However it’s a great idea to get Resin Veneers done in case your budget is limited Resin Veneers are less expensive and as beautiful as the Ceramic Veneers if done to perfection. The only disadvantage of Resin Veneers being that they need a little more maintenance. But they are completely worth it ! With Christmas around the corner, if you’re looking at getting that beautiful smile that’s customised only for you, go ahead and get those veneers done and Smile Away

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