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Blog 2

Can I Replace All My Teeth with Implants?

If you need to replace all of your upper or lower teeth or all the teeth in your mouth, full arch dental implants could be an option. Unlike removable dentures, implants are secured in the jaw as a long-term replacement for missing teeth. While traditional dental implants can replace a single tooth or several teeth in a row, full arch implants use a fixed bridge to replace an entire row of missing teeth. Depending on the individual, this may involve placing 4 or 6 implants to support all the teeth in each arch.

What does the dental implant procedure involve? Your dentist will explain the steps of the procedure so you know what to expect. Unlike traditional implant treatments that can take many months to complete, full arch implants can sometimes be completed in one or two visits.
First, your dentist will take x-rays to assess the condition of your jaw and plan the location of the implants. If you have any teeth remaining in the arch, these will need to be extracted and your mouth needs time to heal before tooth implants can be placed.
The dental implant procedure is carried out using local anaesthesia. You can ask your dentist about other sedation options they offer if you need help to feel calm.
Your dentist will then surgically place the implants in your jaw. Full arch implants usually involve placing two implants towards the front of the mouth and two towards the back, but more implants may be needed depending on your situation.
After your mouth has been cleaned and disinfected, your dentist will take impressions of your mouth that will be used to create your custom dental bridge. These artificial teeth are designed to look as natural as possible.
Once your custom bridge has been manufactured, it will be placed over the top of the implants and secured in place. You can then leave the dental clinic with your new natural-looking smile.
In need of a dentist? We’d love to see you. Request an appointment for dental implants in Pune at Dentalwiz - Best dentist in Pune.

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